Running your own business is a hefty job on its own and no day is ever the same. However, what does remain as a constant is that this business is yours and you want it to succeed against all odds. But the unexpected can occur, like paint spilt on the carpet or a shelf with stock on it collapsing and you need accidental damage cover in these cases.
What is accidental damage cover?
Accidental damage cover is a section of your existing policy you have taken out for your business which makes sure you’re covered for any unforeseen event that incurs extra costs. Accidental damage cover will provide an extra buffer for any claims you might need to make following unforeseen accidental damage.
Why do I need accidental damage cover?
You may have seen the nerve-wracking video of an entire warehouse collapsing after a small accident by a forklift driver and wondered how on earth a business would recover from damage of that magnitude. This is where accidental damage cover comes in.
This type of cover is particularly important if you have hired several employees. The more’ people you have working for you, the greater the chance of an accident occurring, unfortunately. You can be as organised and prepared as you want but you can’t plan for every eventuality, especially when you are managing multiple employees.
If you house stock for your business and something happens, like a shelf collapsing and the stock is damaged, accidental damage cover allows you to claim for the cost of the shelf and your stock provided your sums insured is sufficient.
Overall, an accidental damage policy provides a worthwhile safety-net for those unplanned bills that could put a dent in your business’ entire budget, ultimately slowing down the growth of your business.
Do you own a business that has any of the above? Get in touch to find out how we can help you.