When it Comes to Insurance – Keep All Your Eggs in One Basket

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Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

When making financial decisions for your business, you have more than likely been told to diversify and shop around for the best policies from various insurance providers. But having all of your eggs in one basket (dealing with a single insurance broker instead of multiple insurance providers) can be a very beneficial insurance strategy. Here’s why.

Multi-policy discounts

There are often significant savings on premiums when you use a single insurance broker for all your business insurance policies. Choose an insurance broker you trust, and who sources the most comprehensive cover across a wide range of products, and stick with them for everything. Your loyalty will be rewarded.

Reduce banking admin

Enjoy the ease and convenience of all your monthly payments going to one place, most often, with the same bank details. You can set up a single debit order or beneficiary, and have peace of mind knowing that all your payments are easy to track as they lie with a single company.

Build personal and professional relationships with one company

Having a single insurance broker allows you to work with experienced staff who are well familiarised with your business. This means it will be quicker and easier to update your policies and get financial advice from the expert team who are au fait with your business and your individual needs. You will be able to build life-long, personal business relationships with the team at your chosen brokerage and have peace of mind knowing that one company will take care of all your needs, knowing where best to place you policy.

Prevent gaps in coverage

Having all your insurance with a single provider helps prevent any lapse or gaps in coverage.

The experienced team at CC&A strive to provide our clients with a comprehensive range of insurance products across all business sectors. For any queries, concerns, additional information, or quotations required, please do not hesitate to contact us. (info@ccainsurance.co.za)