Cyber security covers everything that relates to protecting your sensitive data, personal information, protected health information, intellectual property, data and industry information systems from theft and damage attempted by criminals. You can improve your cyber security with these simple steps.
Be Careful Where You Click
Don’t just click on links for the
sake of it because it can have consequences. Malicious links can do damage in
several different ways, so be sure to inspect links and ensure they’re from
trusted senders before clicking.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Always be aware of your
surroundings. Keep an eye on your devices. If you are away from your computer,
lock it. Never leave sensitive or confidential items at your desk, like post-it
notes with your password or USB drives.
Stick to Your Own Devices
If possible, try limit using
another user’s device when you’re away from your own device. Never share your
credentials with others, and never give anyone remote access to your computer.
Update, Update, Update.
Software updates can be annoying,
but you can consider them the lesser of two evils when weighing up rebooting
your device versus putting yourself at risk for malware and other types of
computer infection.
Back Up Your Data
Spiteful threats and hackers don’t
always want to steal your data, but sometimes the end-goal is to encrypt or
erase it. There should be no excuse not to have a backup of important data. It
does not cost much for storage so back up your information on the cloud and at
a physical location.
Connect Securely
Unsecured connections may be
tempting to connect to when your device is low on data but sometimes this
connection may not be worth it. If possible, only connect on private, secure
Secure Your Mobile Device
Secure your presence on your
mobile device by using strong passwords and biometric features. Turn off your
Bluetooth, download off the internet with extreme caution and don’t
automatically connect to any public Wi-Fi.
Keep Your Digital Footprint in Check
Can you remember every site where
you have opened online accounts and what information is stored on them, like
credit card numbers for easier payments? It’s important to keep track of your
digital footprint, including social media, and to delete accounts you’re not
using, while ensuring you set strong passwords and change them regularly.
These steps can help protect your
online information but being slack with your cyber security can lead to someone
hacking into your personal or business online information with disastrous
consequences. At CC&A we offer Cyber liability insurance that covers your
company’s liability for data breaches in which sensitive customer information,
such as credit card numbers and other private information, is accessed by
unauthorised individuals. The policy covers your direct losses or the
compensation you must pay to a third party. For assistance with cyber liability
insurance, give us a call on: 031 716 6000 (KZN) or 011 463 0085