Insurance Advice Before Your Big Day

Why Your Consultants Need Insurance
12th April 2017
Junk Status
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12th April 2017

With April being one of the most popular months for weddings in Southern Africa we felt it was important to offer up some of our insurance suggestions to protect you and your (future) spouse for your life together.


Before married life all you need to think about is yourself, if you were to pass away you would not need to worry about leaving anyone behind. However, when you are married and accustomed to more than your own income to cover expenses, it’s time to put some protection in place.


If you are fortunate enough to purchase a property during your life together, the bank will most likely require you to take out life insurance prior to their agreement on a bond. This will ensure that, should anything happen to you or your spouse, that the cost of your home will be covered. Household contents insurance will also need consideration to insure the items you have worked so hard to attain.


It is also a good idea to have a savings plan in place. Try and agree on an amount that you and your partner are comfortable with putting away each month. You may have heard of an option known as ‘unit trusts’ before, you can find out more about this in our previous blog here.


We understand that as you are just starting out on your journey together that insurance may seem like something that can be taken out later rather than sooner. But it is important to at least have a basic level of cover, that’s why our brokers work with you to assess your unique needs to provide a personal insurance package that is both suitable and affordable for you.


Contact us today to see what we can do for you and your spouse.


The article should not be considered legal or financial advice and is for information purposes only. You should consult with a professional financial advisor to determine what may be best for your individual needs.