How to avoid being left uncovered in your most difficult time

The importance of valuating your items and property correctly – The Average Clause
11th July 2019
Stay Safe While Waiting for Roadside Assistance
6th September 2019

You pay your premiums every month and trust that when that dreadful day comes when you need to make a claim, your get paid out and all is right again.

STOP. This is not a given and as your broker it is our responsibility to make sure that you are aware and understand all the T&C’s of your policies so that you don’t run into any unforeseen problems. However it is also up to you to ensure that you are up to date sooner rather than later.

According to stats, most claims that are rejected fall into one of the following reasons:

Security measures that you specified are not in place.

If you have stated that you have an alarm or security gates, but these extra measures are not utilised you may not receive a payout if your home or vehicle is stolen or broken into.

Make sure your premiums are up to date and paid regularly.

Although there is a grace period, ensure that payments are paid on time to avoid finding yourself without cover.

Your vehicle is not roadworthy.        

Make it a habit to check your tyres, break lights, headlights and indicators every time you fill up your car. Keep up to date with service requirements on your vehicle/s.

Unoccupied premise.

If your residence or business premise is left unoccupied for an extended period, take a moment to advise your broker.

Items are under insured.

Most claims are rejected because the value of the insurance taken out is below the actual value of the item. This is covered in more detail in our blog on the AVERAGE CLAUSE here. This is an incredibly important principle to understand and adhere to so head on over and check it out.                               

Of course, CC&A are here to answer your questions and guide you through what can sometimes feel like a very daunting and overwhelming process. If there is anything that is unclear give us a shout and we’ll happily wok through this with you.