Employment Contracts – Do You Need Them?

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The end of the year puts many on the hunt for a new job. Better pay, better hours and somewhere that is closer to home are often at the top of the list. Thoughts of your employment contracts are probably tucked away in the far corner of your mind, here’s why they should be at the forefront.


Once you’ve landed this new and exciting job there may be a few promises and expectations for both employer and employee. You may have been promised to receive training on a yearly basis but unless you have a contract that states just that, there’s nothing you can do to enforce that.


Legally, a contract of employment has to be given to all employees. It needs to state, in detail, the terms and conditions of your employment such as benefits (provident fund, medical aid), remuneration and the job description including working hours. It should also make note of any company policies and disciplinary codes to be aware of. This applies to all employees including temporary and part-time.


Your employment contract is an important document to have should a dispute like a breach in contract ever arise. We’re not saying this always happens, but it’s best to be covered regardless. If your contract was a verbal agreement then unless you have witnesses, it is just your word against your employers’.


It is also important for the employer as if an employee is underperforming according to their given job description and stated responsibility they will then have grounds to appropriately address the situation at hand.


Make sure that your dream job doesn’t turn into a nightmare. If you are currently employed without a contract of employment be sure to raise the issue immediately and make sure that it covers everything that you signed up for when you first accepted the position.


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“The article should not be considered legal or financial advice and is for information purposes only. You should consult with a professional financial advisor to determine what may be best for your individual needs.”