While a comprehensive asset insurance policy should protect you and your assets, there is additional liability insurance protection available in the form of Umbrella Liability Cover.
It extends your existing liability insurance to provide additional liability cover above the limits of your existing policies for motor vehicles, boat, or home insurance.
Yes, umbrella liability cover has been designed to protect you in the case of major claims or lawsuits.
It may surprise you to learn in which situations a person may need umbrella liability cover.
For example, your personal insurance cares for you and your family in the event of injury or death, and your medical aid kicks in when you hurt yourself or fall ill.
However, did you know that if your dog harms someone, you can very easily be sued for damages?
If a guest in your home or a visitor to your office sustains a fall, a claim for personal injury may run into six figures and will land squarely at your door.
Damage to property by your children or pets, vehicle accidents where you are at fault, or even a tenant tripping over an upturned tile in a property that you own, can all result in claims against you.
Are you at risk?
Umbrella liability insurance will cover you, your family, and your business in the event of claims which exceed your existing cover.
We recommend talking to a qualified insurance broker to unpack your existing cover and ascertain your personal and/or business risk profile and how umbrella liability insurance can benefit you.
Please fill in the accompanying form and one of our professional brokers will contact you.
This information should not be considered legal or financial advice and is for information purposes only. You should consult with a professional financial advisor to determine what may be best for your individual needs.
Umbrella Liability Insurance Quote
Umbrella Liability Insurance